mradot's blog
made with only the “freshest”
in Freebies
Freebie: Minimental Wallpapers
Minimal plus elemental equals minimental. It was a throwaway WhatsApp joke, but now I’m sticking with it. I’d never have gotten this done if I had sat down to do a personal project. What happened was, I was…
in Essays
Something to say
The word content still makes me itch. It shouldn’t, I know. That was a narrow prejudice that humanity has successfully overcome. The world was nervous about young people in ironic tees, leaning toward cameras to…
in Case Studies
Case Study: Grey’s Juices
I finally overcame my reservations about making video content, and started on a series of case studies. Turns out, I am quite terrible at editing. So now we’re blogging it. Welcome! My old friend asked…
in Design
Designs for ‘Ghana at 67’
Every year, around the middle of February, I think to myself: “Hm. 6th March coming up, should do something.” This year was no different; was fairly confident I would, right up to Monday the 4th,…
in Bookmarks
Observe: Nick Sweeting
Just stumbled on Nick Sweeting’s cool homepage (via ArchiveBox, which showed up because I was trying to learn how I can share video without exposing viewer analytics, again) and he links to a lot of interesting things: …
in Bookmarks
Reading: ‘When Tools Become Creatures’
Two articles, by DimSumThinking and ArsTechnica, reflecting and reporting on a world where agency is shared with machines.
in Design
Design for consent & agency: privacy modals
Over the past six weeks or so, I started collecting interesting example of modals for cookie permissions. The results are not very encouraging, even after I chose to avoid any references to OneTrust. Such…
in Essays
On Making
I thought of myself as a ‘creator’ before the YouTube community owned the word, because I see creativity as a link to God. Now I call myself a maker, which has a earthier feel, suggestive of craftsmanship. This…
in Art
Motobi Tees Launched!
12th December, 2018: I stole time at my desk at Lema Concepts, with a deadline pressing, to build a page at That was version 3 of this website, a static build on the Bootstrap 3 framework. Back then,…