mradot's blog

made with only the “freshest”

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    Freebie: Minimental Wallpapers

    Minimal plus ele­men­tal equals min­i­men­tal. It was a throw­away WhatsApp joke, but now I’m stick­ing with it. I’d never have gotten this done if I had sat down to do a per­sonal project. What hap­pened was, I was…

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    Something to say

    The word con­tent still makes me itch. It should­n’t, I know. That was a narrow prej­u­dice that human­ity has suc­cess­fully over­come. The world was ner­vous about young people in ironic tees, lean­ing toward cam­eras to…

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    Case Study: Grey’s Juices

    I finally over­came my reser­va­tions about making video con­tent, and started on a series of case stud­ies. Turns out, I am quite ter­ri­ble at edit­ing. So now we’re blog­ging it. Welcome! My old friend asked…

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    Designs for ‘Ghana at 67’

    Every year, around the middle of February, I think to myself: “Hm. 6th March coming up, should do some­thing.” This year was no dif­fer­ent; was fairly con­fi­dent I would, right up to Monday the 4th,…

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    Observe: Nick Sweeting

    Just stum­bled on Nick Sweeting’s cool home­page (via ArchiveBox, which showed up because I was trying to learn how I can share video with­out expos­ing viewer ana­lyt­ics, again) and he links to a lot of inter­est­ing things: …

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    Reading: ‘When Tools Become Creatures’

    Two articles, by DimSumThinking and ArsTechnica, reflecting and reporting on a world where agency is shared with machines.

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    Design for con­sent & agency: pri­vacy modals

    Over the past six weeks or so, I started col­lect­ing inter­est­ing exam­ple of modals for cookie per­mis­sions. The results are not very encour­ag­ing, even after I chose to avoid any ref­er­ences to OneTrust. JetBrains​.com Such…

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    On Making

    I thought of myself as a ‘cre­ator’ before the YouTube com­mu­nity owned the word, because I see cre­ativ­ity as a link to God. Now I call myself a maker, which has a earth­ier feel, sug­ges­tive of crafts­man­ship. This…

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    Motobi Tees Launched!

    12th December, 2018: I stole time at my desk at Lema Concepts, with a dead­line press­ing, to build a page at mradot​.com/​m​otobi. That was ver­sion 3 of this web­site, a static build on the Bootstrap 3 framework. Back then,…

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