mradot's blog

made with only the “freshest”

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    Freebie: Adinkra Icon Pack (28 vector icons)

    I finally got this done, after two months of work dead­lines and defer­ments. Shoutout to Jude Asante Russell, who gave the final nudge. This pack of 28 icons was made to fit into any…

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    My favourite Ghanaian brandmarks

    In my early years as a designer, I traced logos all the time. I sketched them in books, I stud­ied their grids, I spent hours on their curves. (The Joy FM logo was a real adven­ture.) This is prob­a­bly…

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    Verse: Zoom out

    (Originally shared on my FB Page on 12th December, 2019.) Zoom out. Zoom outtill the tips ofyour thumb and index fingerspan three days’ jour­ney,till rivers curve like the life­line in your palm,seed­ing civilizations. Then…

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    The MIDI Project

    I had plans to make a lot of music in 2018, but then my laptop’s sound card crashed, and my pro­fes­sional life took a detour. Still, I started learn­ing piano and guitar, and began con­sid­er­ing com­po­si­tion…

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    5 Practical Tips for Artists

    You are a cre­ative person. Maybe you are afraid to claim the title, but if you’re sac­ri­fic­ing time and effort to this crazy life, you’ve earned it. With this eter­nal gift comes the bit­ter­sweet…

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    4 Tips for Teachers (from an Ad Man)

    We’re in the 21st Century, and expe­ri­ence is still the best teacher. That’s quite a streak. The reason is simple: the mind bog­gles. The left-brain/right-brain theory is offi­cially last-season now, and appar­ently even fancy brain…

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    Story: Gladys

    This orig­i­nally appeared on mis​ter​agye​man​.blogspot​.com on February 17, 2017. Gladys started well. She had a real go-getter for a mother, the kind with a shelf stacked with awards and occa­sional appear­ances in the news­pa­per. (She was always…

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    Verse: Connection

    (Originally shared on my FB Page on 17th November, 2016.) Sure, I could hurt you.With song I could crush youlike a thumb upon a mothtill you crum­ble all to powder on the floor.But what for? Yes I could move you;With…

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    Undiluted Drivel

    Titles of sto­ries I meant to write (the con­cepts of which, alas, are perished): 1. With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemas? 2. My Homework Ate My Dog. 3. … (There was a mul­ti­tude, but their titles…

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