Privacy & Cookies

Hello. I am Ebenezer Agyeman, and this is my web­site, mradot​.com. This Privacy Policy page covers all use of this web­site, specif­i­cally relat­ing how your infor­ma­tion is han­dled here. If you use this site, it means you agree to the terms in this policy.

Personal Information

Your per­sonal infor­ma­tion includes your name, your spe­cific phys­i­cal loca­tion, and any­thing else that can be used to dis­cover your real-world iden­tity. I gen­er­ally do not col­lect any per­sonal infor­ma­tion. But if I do, I’ll ask for per­mis­sion first, and will not share the infor­ma­tion with any third par­ties, or store it with­out your permission.


This site does not use cook­ies. In the future, I may embed third-party ele­ments such as YouTube video frames; in this case, these third par­ties may have access to basic user ana­lyt­ics from you when you use this site. For now, we’re cookie-free.

Third-party links

Links and media on this web­site may be con­nected to other sites, or lead to such sites. (Examples are Youtube and Behance.) These sites are not affil­i­ated to this blog, unless oth­er­wise stated. I do not con­trol the con­tent or links that appear on these sites, and I am not respon­si­ble for their poli­cies. Every website’s use is gov­erned by its own terms and policies.

I’m trying to live with­out ana­lyt­ics in gen­eral. If I have missed any­thing, please let me know: hello@​mradot.​com