mradot's blog

made with only the “freshest”

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    On Books

    For a while now I’ve been having spells of nos­tal­gia for child­hood. It’s been made worse by all the old school-mates I’ve been run­ning into recently. (Sorry I could­n’t remem­ber your names in time, all…

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    On Being Funny

    According to the plan, this blog was sup­posed to be funny. I know. It’s very hard, trying to be witty. I might have some suc­cess if I took my time, but this is sup­posed to be…

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    Story: Rest (A Fragment)

    A reg­u­lar person would say it was a nice town. The cap­i­tal city was arranged to make reg­u­lar people think this. Everything was arranged along the main street from the air­port to the eco­nomic…

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    On the Economy

    Two days ago, in terms of pop­u­la­tion, the world’s second-largest econ­omy was four times the size of the largest. Even now, though China has over­taken the USA, there hasn’t really been any change…

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    On Meekness

    “When I was green and blos­somed in the SpringI was mute wood. Now I am dead I sing.” Allen Grossman. I saw these words a couple of weeks ago. The poem didn’t con­nect with me, but I thought…

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    On the Brokenness of Things

    Once in a while you happen to see some random com­mon­place thing with­out the filter of your expe­ri­ence, and it looks all wrong. It hap­pens quite often with words- all of a sudden the spelling…

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    Picture: Iqbal Masih, Legend

    The Legends idea started as a cool con­cept for t‑shirts. I wanted to cel­e­brate the chil­dren who have tran­scended soci­ety’s per­cep­tions in the most uplift­ing and useful ways. I might still do that, but for now…

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    Discovery: xkcd – The Pace of Modern Life

    I just found this on xkcd. (Many an hour spent there, oh yes.) The actual image is very long, with sam­pled opin­ions stretch­ing down to our cur­rent day. I’m not sure if the author…

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    On Noise

    Space. The trotros have got me think­ing about space a lot these days. Stars are in space. Stars are balls of fire. There are as many of them as there are grains of sand on…

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