mradot's blog

made with only the “freshest”

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    About My Cancelled Concert

    I want to apol­o­gize to all those who were so nice and sup­port­ive when I said that I was going to do a con­cert. The Sitdown was an exper­i­ment- ‘no cash, just kind­ness’, I said , and…

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    Invitation to the Sitdown

    A ship is safe in har­bour; but that’s not what ships are for. It’s March, so now I get to say that I’ve been writ­ing songs for half of my life. Over the years, I’ve aver­aged…

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    On Resolution

    Pixels are atoms of colour. It’s always dis­tress­ing when I have to do image manip­u­la­tion. When you zoom in on that crisply defined out­line, sud­denly the skirt begins to melt into grass, and the mask­ing…

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    On Books

    For a while now I’ve been having spells of nos­tal­gia for child­hood. It’s been made worse by all the old school-mates I’ve been run­ning into recently. (Sorry I could­n’t remem­ber your names in time, all…

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    Myself: My Self

    What makes me? Physically speak­ing, I am an inter­est­ing col­lec­tion of descrip­tions. My wall­pa­per is a sort of bar­be­cued choco­late. The Northern border is wooly and unco­op­er­a­tive in the foliage, which nicely cam­ou­flages a very impres­sive skull.…

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    Myself: My Age

    I am twenty-one years old. In the eyes of the law, there’s noth­ing I can’t do. Except, I heard a radio com­mer­cial for Stone Strong Lager (the one brewed from rice, they said) and it’s “For…

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    Myself: My Name

    I intend to do what every victim of the Ghanaian pri­mary school syl­labus has wished to do at some point. Every time we’re forced to write ‘of dark com­plex­ion’, against the protest of…

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