mradot's blog

made with only the “freshest”

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    Story: Gladys

    This orig­i­nally appeared on mis​ter​agye​man​.blogspot​.com on February 17, 2017. Gladys started well. She had a real go-getter for a mother, the kind with a shelf stacked with awards and occa­sional appear­ances in the news­pa­per. (She was always…

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    Verse: Connection

    (Originally shared on my FB Page on 17th November, 2016.) Sure, I could hurt you.With song I could crush youlike a thumb upon a mothtill you crum­ble all to powder on the floor.But what for? Yes I could move you;With…

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    Undiluted Drivel

    Titles of sto­ries I meant to write (the con­cepts of which, alas, are perished): 1. With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemas? 2. My Homework Ate My Dog. 3. … (There was a mul­ti­tude, but their titles…

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    Verse: The Mountain Duel

    Context: I tried this idea on my page. This was the only entry… I had entirely for­got­ten about my offer to write poems on request, then yes­ter­day David Maja Salako wrote asking for “drag­ons and…

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    Picture: Hendrix

    Full dis­clo­sure: I did this after I stum­bled on a con­cert video of Esperanza Spalding, with­out think­ing of Jimi Hendrix at all. But some­where along the line I sim­pli­fied the design — fad­dish crea­ture that I am — so this happened. Esperanza’s…

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    Verse: Child, Book, Pen

    There with the child, and his book, and his pen, The magic, it whispers and beckons and then Laughingly leads into darkness and lustre. And when the caravan finally returns, The child is…

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    Story: The Fruit of the Commute

    He approached the trotro at a brisk walk, at the pace of a man who knows he is at least thirty min­utes late and noth­ing can save him. He fairly jumped into the bus. As…

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    … For The People

    Shoutout to John Magufuli, pres­i­dent of Tanzania and father of the ‘WhatWouldMagufuliDo?’ meme. In his first week in office, he stripped expense bud­gets and can­celled his inau­gural ball. Later he can­celled the Independence…

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    PoxVop: Ploverbs #2

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