mradot's blog

made with only the “freshest”

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    PoxVop: The Daily Pox

    He whom the gods would kill, they first make bored. The mad­ness is a nat­ural consequence.

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    PoxVop: Cross-Pollination

    I’ve always wanted to make a comic strip of sorts. I used to do one, when I was eleven or twelve. It starred a stick figure with a win­ning blend of pol­i­tics and bath­room humour. It was called…

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    Invitation to the Sitdown

    A ship is safe in har­bour; but that’s not what ships are for. It’s March, so now I get to say that I’ve been writ­ing songs for half of my life. Over the years, I’ve aver­aged…

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    Discovery: Walter Mitty

    In the first week of this year, I sat down and inhaled a few movies before head­ing off to exam boot camp. The lost started with Les Misérables, which I was kind of avoid­ing because every­body…

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    On Resolution

    Pixels are atoms of colour. It’s always dis­tress­ing when I have to do image manip­u­la­tion. When you zoom in on that crisply defined out­line, sud­denly the skirt begins to melt into grass, and the mask­ing…

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    Picture: Witold Pilecki, Legend

    Happy New Year to you- if you’re so inclined. If you aren’t, Happy Wednesday. I’m happy I got to do a second one in the Legends series. It’s always inspir­ing to see phys­i­cal for­ti­tude and…

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    On God

    God is eternal. I do not say this as a com­pli­ment. Often we com­pli­ment people with things which are slightly beyond their actual merit, and it is some­times annoy­ing to dis­cover that they have…

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    On Sharing

    I’ve been musing too much, it seems. I had plans for this blog. It was sup­posed to be two months of ran­dom­ness, with blue­prints for imprac­ti­cal archi­tec­tural projects, and info­graph­ics detail­ing the seven char­ac­ter­is­tics…

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    On Doing Things

    Thinker, tinker. Use your hands once in a while. From your cave you have eaten miles And swallowed kingdoms, have you? Have you? Tinker, thinker. Recently it’s been whis­pered that my coun­try has…

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