mradot's blog

made with only the “freshest”

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    On the Economy

    Two days ago, in terms of pop­u­la­tion, the world’s second-largest econ­omy was four times the size of the largest. Even now, though China has over­taken the USA, there hasn’t really been any change…

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    On Meekness

    “When I was green and blos­somed in the SpringI was mute wood. Now I am dead I sing.” Allen Grossman. I saw these words a couple of weeks ago. The poem didn’t con­nect with me, but I thought…

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    On the Brokenness of Things

    Once in a while you happen to see some random com­mon­place thing with­out the filter of your expe­ri­ence, and it looks all wrong. It hap­pens quite often with words- all of a sudden the spelling…

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    On Noise

    Space. The trotros have got me think­ing about space a lot these days. Stars are in space. Stars are balls of fire. There are as many of them as there are grains of sand on…

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    On Trotros

    Civilization as we’ve known it in the urban, met­ro­pol­i­tan, Western sense, is defined by one resource above all others: space. A very good per­cent­age of our inno­va­tion goes to max­i­mize space: the sky­scrap­ers, the…

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    On Culture

    I wore a very nice shirt on Friday. Everybody kept telling me. They didn’t say “You look nice” just “Nice shirt!” (One notices the dif­fer­ence after the third or fourth instance.) I wore this unchar­ac­ter­is­ti­cally…

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    On Democracy and Politics

    I just found an old Tom Hanks inter­view, part of his pub­lic­ity work for ‘Charlie Wilson’s War’. It got me think­ing about polit­i­cal dramas in gen­eral. There’s been some good ones recently. ‘Broken…

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    On Conflict

    What’s so funny about peace, love and under­stand­ing? It does­n’t stand a chance, unless we all get some at once. Kind of like the Swedish with their Dagen H. In every other sce­nario, the first…

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    Myself: My Self

    What makes me? Physically speak­ing, I am an inter­est­ing col­lec­tion of descrip­tions. My wall­pa­per is a sort of bar­be­cued choco­late. The Northern border is wooly and unco­op­er­a­tive in the foliage, which nicely cam­ou­flages a very impres­sive skull.…

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