mradot's blog

made with only the “freshest”

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    Motobi Tees Launched!

    12th December, 2018: I stole time at my desk at Lema Concepts, with a dead­line press­ing, to build a page at mradot​.com/​m​otobi. That was ver­sion 3 of this web­site, a static build on the Bootstrap 3 framework. Back then,…

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    Picture: Hendrix

    Full dis­clo­sure: I did this after I stum­bled on a con­cert video of Esperanza Spalding, with­out think­ing of Jimi Hendrix at all. But some­where along the line I sim­pli­fied the design — fad­dish crea­ture that I am — so this happened. Esperanza’s…

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    PoxVop: Ploverbs #2

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    PoxVop: Fashion

    Interesting phe­nom­e­non, is it not? I espe­cially love how the second-hand clothes market has flooded Ghana with hip­ster boots and jeans. Very soon we’ll have to dis­count peo­ple’s appear­ances entirely when form­ing first impres­sions.…

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    PoxVop: Forever?

    My machine died last week, and because I am an idiot who hasn’t backed up since March, I have now lost all the work from the most pro­duc­tive period of my artis­tic and pro­fes­sional life.…

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    PoxVop: Ploverbs #1

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    Picture: Escape

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    Picture: Louis Braille, Legend

    I hope I’ve done this jus­tice. Every bust, every por­trait of this man shows a dif­fer­ent face. And none of them is easy to cap­ture in out­lines– at least, not for an ama­teur. I remem­ber…

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    PoxVop: Hugger Not A Fighter

    I’ve been a fan of boxing all my life. That said, every insight into the sport and the busi­ness pushed me father away, until now I’m too self-con­scious to enjoy the eye-bust­ing and jaw-break­ing.…

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