mradot's blog

made with only the “freshest”

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    PoxVop: Forever?

    My machine died last week, and because I am an idiot who hasn’t backed up since March, I have now lost all the work from the most pro­duc­tive period of my artis­tic and pro­fes­sional life.…

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    On Common Nonsense

    You better hope you’re fallingWhen you look up and see brown… That’s the first two lines of a song that almost came to me on Saturday. I have no idea what it means. I have a vague idea,…

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    PoxVop: Ploverbs #1

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    Swelter: To Be Uncomfortably Hot

    How about that sun, eh? It turns out I have sweat glands. It’s always nice to meet new people, I say. But I wish I could have made their acquain­tance under dif­fer­ent con­di­tions. 2015 is likely to be…

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    Picture: Escape

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    Living the Lie

    Warning: this is a pseudo-listicle. Recently I’ve been read­ing titanic writ­ing from GQ, the NY and LA Times, Esquire, Wired; learn­ing big new words like metas­ta­size and scro­fu­lous and pul­chri­tudi­nous— guess which one means…

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    Picture: Louis Braille, Legend

    I hope I’ve done this jus­tice. Every bust, every por­trait of this man shows a dif­fer­ent face. And none of them is easy to cap­ture in out­lines– at least, not for an ama­teur. I remem­ber…

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    He Makes Verse

    This orig­i­nally appeared on mis​ter​agye​man​.blogspot​.com on July 14, 2015. My mail inbox just tried to kill me. I opened Gmail this morn­ing after a heavy 12-hour marathon of work, rush­ing to redeem a long-deferred promise of mine.…

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    Story: Jasper

    This orig­i­nally appeared on mis​ter​agye​man​.blogspot​.com on June 15, 2015. Hello. It’s been a while. I haven’t felt like writ­ing much. But I decided to do so this week, to fix a brood­ing phase which wasn’t helped much by…

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