
Music: Christmas Jam

This orig­i­nally appeared on mis​ter​agye​man​.blogspot​.com on December 25, 2015.

It’s been a very long while since I felt like hold­ing up my music to the scrutiny of the inter­net, but hey, it’s Christmas.

Me and Michael Butsorme (great key­boardist; prob­a­bly one of Ghana’s best ever) did this in a couple of hours. There’s rough edges and flat notes, and I should prob­a­bly be arrested to stop me from ever making a drum loop again. Still – hey, it’s Christmas.

I like this catch-all excuse. We should have Christmas more often.

Anyway. I hope you like the song; if you’re not a fan of mediocre singing, there’s an excep­tional two min­utes of key­board magic at the end of the tunnel, so hang in there.

Merry Christmas to all who want one. To all the rest, have a very happy Friday.