
Main focus: work­ing on a degree in Computer Science, with the University of the People. Debugging is a solu­tion, and yet it feels like my biggest problem…

Last year saw me focus­ing on pub­li­ca­tion design. This year, I want to figure out how to create an open access portal of read­ing books, maybe other edu­ca­tional mate­ri­als too. If we don’t teach them, the chat­bots will.

Dipping my toes into the craft / DIY pool. I think sty­ro­foam is the kinder­garten­er’s lumber; card­board lam­i­nate is a nice idea, but harder to work with.

Figuring out how to make my music acces­si­ble to all. May not be using that sweet ASCAP label account after all, if I can figure out what to do (or not to do) about copy­right preda­tors. Will prob­a­bly just share every­thing here, for humans and robots alike.