
Built on: a blank WP Blocks theme. Typeface: Literata, with a mod­i­fied ‘Antique’ modern font stack. Compressed by WP-Optimize, served by Hostinger. Designed on my trusty 2014 HP Probook 450 G2, with CorelDraw and Affinity Designer. #PCfromBC #CCWhat? #InkscapeCurious

Inspired by: Rasmus Anderssen, Frank Chimero, Andy Clarke, Derek Sivers, Sean Walcott, Eric Meyer, Wasai, Maria Popova, Bernice Chao, Dan Mall, Lynn Fisher, and Rob Weychert. And Emmanuel Quartey, Metalab, Stuff-and-Nonsense, and Brandient. (I steal from every­body, as Dan Mall wisely coun­seled.)

Also: God bless CSS-Tricks (RIP), CoDrops, Jen Simmons, 24Ways, Dev Ed, Kevin Powell, TheFutur Academy, and Zimri Mayfield.

I’m easing up on the free­lancer-agency vibe because I now believe that the Web needs more per­son­al­ized places; this is mine. If you want one, I’ll be happy to help.