

I’m Ebenezer Agyeman. I’ve been telling sto­ries and draw­ing pic­tures all my life – and get­ting paid for it since 2013, some­how. Design is my tool of choice, because I believe change should be beautiful. 


I’m in it for craft and con­nec­tion. I enjoy cre­at­ing sym­bols, and I enjoy com­mu­ni­cat­ing worthy ideas. The goal is simple: good work that is free of fuss. 


  • Social impact
  • Clean Tech
  • Education
  • Nonprofit


I start with a gen­uinely blank page, and a lot of ques­tions. Leaning heav­ily on public domain assets and vector draw­ing, I find my way to a func­tional, friendly composition.

Narrative over embell­ish­ment; har­mony before com­plex­ity. This work­man­like approach reg­u­larly unearths novel ideas.


  • Pitched ‘Drop That Yam’.
  • Ghostwrote edi­to­ri­als, speeches, and peti­tions for six chief exec­u­tives; one went on the President’s desk.
  • Sorted 18,000 images while rebuild­ing IEA Ghana’s website.
  • Became the adinkra guy. (When Simon Charwey’s busy.)
  • Averaged two logo con­cepts each month for a decade. (Used Arial once, and it kind of worked.)
  • Acquired mild Behance clout, so that people email me to offer design awards at afford­able prices.


Agency / in-house

  • Insel Communications
  • RONIN Africa
  • Lema Concepts Africa
  • Angels School.
  • Notable clients:
  • Tigo Ghana
  • Shell Ghana
  • Fidelity Bank
  • Latex Foam
  • Coca-Cola Ghana
  • Solidaridad
  • FairTrade
  • usaid.

design / strat­egy consultancy

  • Notable clients:
  • IEA Ghana
  • Eaziwall
  • WEAR Ghana.

Communications con­sul­tancy

  • Electoral Commission
  • GIPC.

Freelance design

Workspace Global.