mradot's blog
made with only the “freshest”
in Essays
Something to say
The word content still makes me itch. It shouldn’t, I know. That was a narrow prejudice that humanity has successfully overcome. The world was nervous about young people in ironic tees, leaning toward cameras to…
in Essays
On Making
I thought of myself as a ‘creator’ before the YouTube community owned the word, because I see creativity as a link to God. Now I call myself a maker, which has a earthier feel, suggestive of craftsmanship. This…
in Essays
… For The People
Shoutout to John Magufuli, president of Tanzania and father of the ‘WhatWouldMagufuliDo?’ meme. In his first week in office, he stripped expense budgets and cancelled his inaugural ball. Later he cancelled the Independence…
in Essays
On 31st December, 2015 — also known as last week Thursday — I joined the billions of people who sacrifice sleep every December to make sure that we make it safe into January. You’d think by now…
in Essays
On Common Nonsense
You better hope you’re fallingWhen you look up and see brown… That’s the first two lines of a song that almost came to me on Saturday. I have no idea what it means. I have a vague idea,…
On Resolution
Pixels are atoms of colour. It’s always distressing when I have to do image manipulation. When you zoom in on that crisply defined outline, suddenly the skirt begins to melt into grass, and the masking…
in Essays
On God
God is eternal. I do not say this as a compliment. Often we compliment people with things which are slightly beyond their actual merit, and it is sometimes annoying to discover that they have…
in Essays
On Sharing
I’ve been musing too much, it seems. I had plans for this blog. It was supposed to be two months of randomness, with blueprints for impractical architectural projects, and infographics detailing the seven characteristics…
in Essays
On Doing Things
Thinker, tinker. Use your hands once in a while. From your cave you have eaten miles And swallowed kingdoms, have you? Have you? Tinker, thinker. Recently it’s been whispered that my country has…