mradot's blog

made with only the “freshest”

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    Something to say

    The word con­tent still makes me itch. It should­n’t, I know. That was a narrow prej­u­dice that human­ity has suc­cess­fully over­come. The world was ner­vous about young people in ironic tees, lean­ing toward cam­eras to…

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    On Making

    I thought of myself as a ‘cre­ator’ before the YouTube com­mu­nity owned the word, because I see cre­ativ­ity as a link to God. Now I call myself a maker, which has a earth­ier feel, sug­ges­tive of crafts­man­ship. This…

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    … For The People

    Shoutout to John Magufuli, pres­i­dent of Tanzania and father of the ‘WhatWouldMagufuliDo?’ meme. In his first week in office, he stripped expense bud­gets and can­celled his inau­gural ball. Later he can­celled the Independence…

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    On 31st December, 2015 — also known as last week Thursday — I joined the bil­lions of people who sac­ri­fice sleep every December to make sure that we make it safe into January. You’d think by now…

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    On Common Nonsense

    You better hope you’re fallingWhen you look up and see brown… That’s the first two lines of a song that almost came to me on Saturday. I have no idea what it means. I have a vague idea,…

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    On Resolution

    Pixels are atoms of colour. It’s always dis­tress­ing when I have to do image manip­u­la­tion. When you zoom in on that crisply defined out­line, sud­denly the skirt begins to melt into grass, and the mask­ing…

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    On God

    God is eternal. I do not say this as a com­pli­ment. Often we com­pli­ment people with things which are slightly beyond their actual merit, and it is some­times annoy­ing to dis­cover that they have…

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    On Sharing

    I’ve been musing too much, it seems. I had plans for this blog. It was sup­posed to be two months of ran­dom­ness, with blue­prints for imprac­ti­cal archi­tec­tural projects, and info­graph­ics detail­ing the seven char­ac­ter­is­tics…

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    On Doing Things

    Thinker, tinker. Use your hands once in a while. From your cave you have eaten miles And swallowed kingdoms, have you? Have you? Tinker, thinker. Recently it’s been whis­pered that my coun­try has…

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