mradot's blog

made with only the “freshest”

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    He Makes Verse

    This orig­i­nally appeared on mis​ter​agye​man​.blogspot​.com on July 14, 2015. My mail inbox just tried to kill me. I opened Gmail this morn­ing after a heavy 12-hour marathon of work, rush­ing to redeem a long-deferred promise of mine.…

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    Story: Jasper

    This orig­i­nally appeared on mis​ter​agye​man​.blogspot​.com on June 15, 2015. Hello. It’s been a while. I haven’t felt like writ­ing much. But I decided to do so this week, to fix a brood­ing phase which wasn’t helped much by…

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    Story: Bobo

    A coming-of-age tale. Around the third term of Class Five, thoughts of love begin to cir­cu­late. Everything con­spires to make things this way. Torsos begin to adver­tise gender. The weather grows moist and…

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    Story: The Education of Sir Q

    I got this title in my head, and decided to try and write a chil­dren’s book to fit it. It was a fun project, and I enjoyed the nos­tal­gia it brought. But then my brave vet­eran…

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    Story: Rest (A Fragment)

    A reg­u­lar person would say it was a nice town. The cap­i­tal city was arranged to make reg­u­lar people think this. Everything was arranged along the main street from the air­port to the eco­nomic…

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    Fragments from ‘Sand’

    The con­ta­gion of insan­ity did not shy away from the cor­ri­dors of power. In a brief­ing room on the top floor of the Pentagon, the Director of Intelligence paused on his way back to…

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    Share a Coke with Aishatu

    The Story Welcome, broth­ers and sis­ters. I sup­pose you are all won­der­ing why I have gath­ered you here. The matter at hand is the story of Aishatu; oth­er­wise titled, Make Me A Woman Today. It was…

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    Writing: another ‘Sand’ story

    (Originally shared as an FB Post on 7th February, 2013.) So I found a couple more sto­ries from the ‘Sand’ comic sci-fi novel I never did write… Fragments from ‘Sand’ A bunch of short pas­sages from this aborted epic.…

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