
Freebie: Minimental Wallpapers

Minimal plus ele­men­tal equals min­i­men­tal. It was a throw­away WhatsApp joke, but now I’m stick­ing with it.

I’d never have gotten this done if I had sat down to do a per­sonal project. What hap­pened was, I was trying out a con­cept for an illus­tra­tion project, and it didn’t work out – but it did, because it became the Fire panel. So I pro­cras­ti­nated and did three more. If I had done eleven more, I would have redesigned my PowerPoint cal­en­dar project to fea­ture one each month. (Long story for another day; check back next week.) Not sure when the ele­men­tal theme emerged exactly.

The Fire panel is called ‘Tongues’. The Wind panel is ‘Currents’. Earth, ‘Strata’. Water, ‘Ripples’.

Anyway – you know how to set any image as wall­pa­per, I’m sure? You down­load the file, find the ‘Set as’ option in your image view­ing app. The panels are 6K res­o­lu­tion, so hope­fully you can zoom in a bit before it looks blurry. The idea is that you can explore your own crop­ping of the panel, so nobody has exactly the same view as you.

My mother asked if she can have a print in her room instead. Never thought of the woman as a hard­core min­i­mal­ist, pos­si­bly she’s just being sup­port­ive. But now the idea is in my head…

Though – if it hap­pens, it will be on alizwell​.com. Things are going to pick up there in March, stick around. (For real this time, though I don’t blame you if you don’t believe me.)

Well, that’s it for now. Much love.

To down­load each uncom­pressed image:

  • Right-click (long press on mobile) 
  • Select ‘Save Link As’, ‘Download link’, or similar
  • That’s it, I think.

Minimental Fire Panel: ‘Tongues’ (6k, 475kb)

Minimental Water Panel: ‘Ripples’ (6K, 824kb)

Minimental Earth Panel: ‘Strata’ (6K, 161kb)

Minimental Wind Panel: ‘Currents’ (6K, 578kb)