The word content still makes me itch. It shouldn’t, I know. That was a narrow prejudice that humanity has successfully overcome. The world was nervous about young people in ironic tees, leaning toward cameras to reiterate that they were ‘super-excited to be here, guys.’ But we all agree that those reservations cannot possibly apply to professors of theoretical physics, or anchors of global current affairs shows. No, ‘content’ became legitimate right around the time that handheld mics became ironic, and ironic clickbait became passé.
Somehow though, I never quite lost that prejudice. I only worried how science education and opinion journalism would survive this adventure. It is hard to tell if they did survive; we are so good at readjusting our reality. Researchers reference memes now; longform journalists are super-excited too.
There but for the grace of God…
I was all ready to be super-excited. I bought a boom mic, and ordered a softbox. My sister started a nice YouTube channel, and I cut my editing teeth helping her. I made plans for merch and membership, which I could actually run from here; even prepared to set up a forum for live discussions. Podcasts, too, obviously.
Any of these may still happen, but I’m now certain that my problem with content is not about its quality. I simply have to consume less and make more. And I’ve been thinking: if my making becomes the distraction that stops someone else from making, then I’ve just passed the problem on.
I don’t have infinite attention.
We’ve messed up the wonder of the global village, somehow. As the world teeters on its axis, we’ve all bunkered down with our noise-cancelling earphones, with customized, tailor-made firehoses of up-to-date stuff. Only the search algorithms know how to connect us. Maybe that isn’t such a bad thing if the algorithm belongs to a saint, but that’s an awfully big gamble.
So I’ve been trying to cut out the middleman. I rarely smash that subscribe button, whether to channels or newsletters. Instead, I write my bookmarks in my notes app, and search with no autocomplete. I also pretend ‘Recommended’ and ‘Trending’ tabs don’t exist.
That could just be my perverse, anti-mainstream side again, but let’s consider this. I have few positive experiences with company-wide meetings, but break-out sessions often turn out better. And when everybody is forced to write or sketch an idea and submit it, some real gems always show up.
Now, instead of all of us coming together on shared content platforms, how about we break out? I’ll sit here on my site, and make as I feel led. You get on your site (I’ll help if you’d like me to) and make what you feel like making. And I’ll take regular breaks, get out of my head, and come and check your stuff out. And if it touches me, I’ll come here and write a note on it, linking back to you. And we can email each other. Or maybe that forum thing? The forum thing is really calling to me.
And I can take my time on each of these steps. I won’t have to hurry on from your content, as I would if your cool thing showed up in the middle of an unending list of recommended squares, on a platform that only gets paid if I click on a sponsored square.
The actual plan.
My YouTube videos are going to be ‘unlisted’. I wondered if it was unfair for me to only use the platform for its storage space, but this site’s server won’t let me upload raw video… I guess YouTube can scrape my uploads for AI, and consider that payment enough.
My Instagram will maybe have monthly announcements of what I’m doing here, or something like that. Facebook may never see me again in this mortal realm. Behance too.
My music will be released for free here, with a Creative Commons license. I registered as a songwriter and independent label (called “Holy Holy Holy”) on ASCAP, but it turns out they are kind of B2B, compared to Spotify etc. – who mostly exist to prey on music makers, and enrich big labels.
I’ll set up a tip jar, because it would be nice to have my hobby sustain itself. Maybe I’ll do merch? I may just share DIY resources and tips instead – including free print files. If this somehow brings new eyes on my design business, that would actually be more sustainable – but I won’t sweat that either, career trajectory has been quite good since 2023.
So that’s it. Thanks, you can go away now. Go and make something.
You know what? I’ll take guest posts too. Just email me if you have something to share, I promise I’ll read it and give it some thought.
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