
Freebie: Adinkra Sans (50 sim­pli­fied vector icons)

License details (return to Page 1)


The icon art­work is pro­vided in AI, EPS and PDF format. Individual icons are also pro­vided in PNG format with trans­par­ent backgrounds.


This pack of Adinkra Icons is pro­vided for free by Ebenezer Agyeman (https://​mradot​.com) for use by all cre­atives under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This allows use in both per­sonal and com­mer­cial projects, and stip­u­lates that any icon packs based on this should also be shared to the cre­ative commons.

Derivatives are allowed — encour­aged, really — but all deriv­a­tive icon packs must be shared with this same free­dom. Basically, you can use this for both per­sonal and com­mer­cial projects, but you cannot sell the icon pack ‘as is’, with­out mod­i­fi­ca­tion. Also, while I hope you will modify and remix this icon pack, the license stip­u­lates that any icon pack you pub­lish, based on this one, should be shared for free use by all cre­atives. In other words, do not use this icon pack to create an icon pack for sale in any mar­ket­place or stock library. Let’s keep things open and acces­si­ble, and be creative.

This does not stop you from using this icon pack in a paid or com­mer­cial project, but it means that you cannot sell this pack to your client as is; you must modify it, and include the result­ing assets as part of a larger work.


You are wel­come to repub­lish my free­bies on con­di­tion that you link back to mradot​.com, and you should not pro­vide the assets for direct down­load from any other source.

Thanks for read­ing, and enjoy your download!

P.S: Stay safe, stay creative.

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