This originally appeared on misteragyeman.blogspot.com on May 9, 2017.

I’ve been a fan of boxing all my life. That said, every insight into the sport and the business pushed me father away, until now I’m too self-conscious to enjoy the eye-busting and jaw-breaking. But the #MayPac hype got me, along with the rest of the civilized world. So I happened to read a thoughtful newspaper account of the weigh-in, where the article described how the two fighters were prompted into the classic face-off pose. ‘Scowl for the camera’- you know how they do. And then the writer described how Pacquiao’s scowl quickly broke into a grin. And then Mayweather couldn’t help but smile too.
It’s a nice thing to think about; I hope it doesn’t kill the fun of the picture.
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